Saturday, February 28, 2009

10 truths

Tag! List 10 honest things about yourself. Pass this on to 7 bloggers whom you feel embody the spirit of the Honest Crap.

10.I have a really hard time opening up to people or talking about myself if you ask me questions I will answer tehm but I am not one to offer up a lot of information without being asked every question in the book. as some one once said "she is harder to get into the fort knox" I thought it was funny

9..I love COKE if that was all I could consume on a daily basis I would be happy. but I recently am trying to give it up for Lent, its been four days and i have 36 more hopefully by then i will not want one anymore and will stop drinking it all together. But I still will buy coke pants when i go to vegas at the coke store. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM COKE!!!!!!!
8.I LOVE being treated special such and surprises and such i doesn't even have to be big it can be something little like flowers or remeber that i said i wanted something and being surprised with it. I am not high maintance but sometimes its nice to be treated like you are.

7.When I am alone I secretly think I am really pretty and a pretty awesome person but for some reason when I am around other people I get really self consciuos and worry that i am not good enough or people don't want me around. Which does not make sense to me since I really feel I am a great person

6. I still am madly in love with the backsrteet boys and britney spears ( not in a psycho way) but I could listen the backstreet boys anytime any where and Britney has such great dance music and her songs are so like kiss my ass songs. Her CIRCUS song I think is my Britney song (or atleast the way i feel when I am alone and think I rock) hahahaha

5. I have an obsession with kissing pictures (well almost pictures in general) i have so many its kind of ridiculous, most of them were from when i was younger but every once in a while i will find a new one. It is amazing to me how you can tell so much from just one photo if the photo is done right.

4. I think i secretly want to be a burlesque dancer, you get to be really sexy with out having to take all your clothes off and the costumes they usually wear a freaking amazing. I would love to either be one or choreograph dances for them.

3. Sometimes I still feel like a little kid. When I see actresses or people on TV talking about their lives and how they are 25 years old or something like that, I think, God I didn't know that they were that old. Or when I hear of people having kids and buying houses I honestly think I am too young to be doing that kind of stuff. I honestly think I am still 17 and will grow up one day. Maybe I need to do that soon.

2. I seriously can change my mind and style on clothes in a matter of minuets when at the mall, i will think oh i want to dress like a cute little hollister chick then i want to be a badd ass punk chick or a sophisticated women. and it makes shopping frustrating cause i want to buy EVERYTHING

1.I am really sarcastic it gets me in trouble a lot I think i use it as a way to protect me and my feelings so peole don 't know how I really feel. And sometimes I use it cause its freaking hilarious ( ineed to stop saying the phrase "your mom" I even annoy myseld with it sometimes)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

a-z shizz


Available: techincally tell a certain someone changes that

Age: 24

Annoyance: people who beat around the bush (probably casue i do it too) almost anthing dealing with other people drving

Animal: a kitty who is a shit if you have no noticed form my blog


Beer: actually found one i liked the other night called top shock or something

Birthday: march 25th

Best Friend: Staci ann

Body Part on opposite sex: i like smile and tummy

Best feeling in the world: to feel loved and needed

Blind or Deaf: tough call probably blind so i could maybe still dance and hear music

Best weather: i LOVE the sun but rain is good too

Been in Love: once yes

Been on stage?: A LOT i miss it : (

Believe in Magic: yes its freaking awesome

Believe in Santa: If I don't my mom says i don't get presents, but I beleive in the story


Candy: love it all i like sour stuff

Color: yellow and pink

Chocolate/Vanilla: chocolate

Chinese/Mexican Food: mmmm both but to chose i would pick chinese

Cake or pie: cake or death

Cheese: not a fan but will occationaly get cravings


Day or Night: night unless its summer and warm

Dancing in the rain: love it only have done it a few times


Eyes: they are green

Everyone's got: something to hide

Ever failed a class?: nope close though i dropped it


First thoughts waking up: is it saturday but lately its i wish Dave would turn of his alarm

-Food: all of it except mushrooms i love steak


Greatest Fear: being alone

Gum: i bye whatever sounds good at the time

Get along with your parents?: oh yes


Hair Color: dark brown but i think i am going to try blonde

Height: 5' 4" just average

Happy: yes

Holiday: Halloween costumes hello and make up i am so there

How do you want to die: the boring way in my sleep or a bad ass way where I die really fast


Ice Cream: cookie dough or starlight mint

Instrument: the violin and i want to play the guitar


Jewelry: i only wear on set of earrings but i own a lot of it

Job: which one haha i work at fiserv, revolutio and victoria secret


Kids: none but some day but i am consider taking out the voice box ;) just kidding

Kickboxing or karate: kick boxing although it would be fun to kick someones ass in karate

Keep a journal?: when i remember


Love: its great but can tear you apart

Laughed so hard you cried: all the time


Milk flavor: chocolate

Movies: love them horror and comedy

Motion sickness: only in cars

McD’s or BK: both


Number: 17


One wish: maybe aee first question


Perfect Pizza: papa johns still hot

Pepsi/Coke: DUH COKE


Quail: the street where i grew up


Reason to cry: no reason right now im happy as a clam

Reality T.V.: only like the bachelor

Radio Station: X 96.3 recently strat listening to 1280 and the mroing show is quite funny

Roll your tongue in a circle: huh

Ring size: which finger the wedding one a 4.5 or 5


Song: Womanizer (its the first song that came to mind) or Circus

Shoe size: 7.5

Salad Dressing: usually ranch

Sushi: love it have not ate it in along time

Skinny dipped?: nope

In the shower?: everything

Strawberries/Blueberries: strawberries


Tattoos?: one a dancer

Time for bed: when i get there

Thunderstorms: LOVE THEM especially when its warm out


Unpredictable: my moods hahaha just kidding LIFE


Vacation spot(s): Hawaii and lake powell


Weakness: nice people

Which one of your friends acts the most like you: STACI

Who makes you laugh the most: staci

Worst feeling: heart ache

Wanted to be a model: yes still do but i am to short and to chubby f*ing industry

Worst Weather?: wind i cry


X-Rays: a couple on my back feet and hips


Year it is now: 2009

Yellow: favorite color


Zoo animal: Gorilla


1. Slept in a bed beside you? Dave

2. You went to the mall with? Dave

3. You went to dinner with? Gwen

4. You talked to on the phone? My Mom

5. Made you laugh? Dave

6. Hugged you? Dave

7. Said they loved you? mom

8. Held your hand? Dave

9. You spoke with? who ever i called last

10. You cried over?

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Valentine's Day

This Valentine's day I spent with Dave, I had a really nice time he bought me a card and flowers and a balloon. Then I felt really bad becasue he bought me Thriving Ivory tickets but I had seriously just got the ones I bought for my sister and I in the mail.
This is the card
The flowers

the flowers and balloon and the flowers from my dad
Us at the restaurant

Another picture, we went to Joe's crab shack funny thing neither of us gor crab we both got shrimp plates they were pretty good. Then we just went back to his place and hung out. It was a nice time.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

not my other half

what are your middle names? Rae and Thomas

how long have you known each? almost 3 months

how long did you know each other before you started dating? 0 days

how old were each of you when you met? Me 24, Him 25

how old are each of you now? I am 24, and he is 25

how tall are each of you? 5'10 and 5'4"

whose siblings do/did you see the most? its kinda even right now

do you have any children together? no

what about pets? no.

did you go to the same school? we went to high school and college but didn't know each other.

are you from the same hometown? yes

who is the smartest? me for sure hahaha just kidding.

who is the most sensitive? uh, me... lol.

where do you eat out most as a couple? we have never ate at the same place except chilis

where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? each others houses haha well up town

who has the worst temper? as far as i have heard he does

who does/did the cooking? we never have cooked.

who is more social? Neither of us

who is the neat-freak? We are both pretty clean when we need to be.

who hogs the bed? he does.

who wakes up earlier? Unless Dave has work i usually wake up before

how do you spend the holidays? we have not been together yet during the holidays

who is more jealous? Me

do you have little pet names for each other? none

how long did it take to get serious? Not quite there yet so probably never

who eats more? Dave

who sings better? I have only heard him sing once he is not to bad but i am better

who’s older? Dave

who does the dishes? Neither of us

who snores? He does occasionally. But neither of us do regularly.

who’s better with the computer? probably Dave

who drives when you are together? Usually Dave but yesterday i did

who is the first to admit when they're wrong? We are both stubborn.

who kissed who first? He kissed me first.

who has more tattoos? me i have one

who eats more sweets? probably me... I'm terrible. although last night i think he bought the entire candy isle (munchies much)

are you two still a couple? Not yet

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Super Bowl

Jason and Mike
Lindsey and Me
Playing football during half time

Dave and Me
Dave decided to take a picture of the TV
I look slightly out of it
He didn't mean to kiss my eye hahaha

Dave wrestling wit h children : )
Mike beating up on Dave

Kitty Car Ride

SO the other day I had to take both Harley and Oscar in my car to my parent's cause my sister was already there. And my Harley is the only one with a carrying case.

I think Oscar was really worred about Harley it was kind cute like he was tryinhg to get him out of the cage


Cute smily Dave
These are our left over plates I didnt really eat much since I was still kinda sick. There is really no need to explain these next pictures they are just pictures of me and Dave

Sticking out out tounges

So Serious

After Iggy's we went to Dave's parent's house and I met his mom and dad and sisters. His sister Marie's room was really cute it was bright pink and orange I like it a lot and his mom gave me a hug when she saw me which is nice. Since she is not afraid of me or things I am bitchy or something hahaha. But his sister Mal and her son Kartr were ther he is so cute (Kartr). And Dave is really cute with him which makes him even cuter (Dave). So these are some pictures that I took of him.
Kartr was cute he was totally just chill sitting in Dave's hands watching the tv

my sister and my date

Decisions Decisions
Trying to decied what sound good when everything tastes like crap not so easy and when pasta is not your favorite food.
The best part about Spagetti Factory beside the pesto salad dressing
This was the yucky Diet Coke that the waitress brought me instead of real coke
Now this was the REAL coke MMMMM!!!
Don't judge me I was soooooooooooooooooooooo sick it ate like 2 ravioli
My beautiful sister