Wednesday, September 24, 2008


For those of you who don't know I LOVE Halloween so I have been trying to decide what to be for Halloween. Then I thought maybe I could be Jessica Rabbit hahaha (she is from who framed Roger Rabbit incase you dont know who she is) I know but i want to do something cool and I kinda want to make my own costume. If you have any ideas of what I should be let me know



So in the month of October I am going to be posting all movie and TV quotes. just so you all know so check back to see what I have, and I will try to post more happy positive ones on that too : )

Show me the swag

For those of you who do not know Emily some others and I have started our own boutique thing. it is where we will have all different types of people selling products. If you are interested in hosting an Boutique let me or Emily know ( there are great incentives) or just check out our blog.

check out our site here and come if you can because it's our first swag party and it's going to be a lot of fun!!!

please read this

My friend Jennie posted this blog and I just think everyone should read it. Especially my family since we will be very soon saying goodbye to our Kyle to serve in the Army. I just think it helps to see things that are happening so much closer to us then just someone that is serving that we don't even know, but when it is someone we care about and love it make the picture a lot more clear. So please read the blog and pray for those serving for us.

please read this

Thursday, September 18, 2008

About the date

let just say it didn't go so well. He really was not my kind of guy and I just felt really uncomfortable and wanted to leave. Luckily we only went to dinner and drove separate and I could leave right after dinner. Let just say he wore a white beater nough said.

But I did go on another date tonight with a guy named Cody he was really cute and easy to talk to. We had a good time, we were suppose to go bowling (my choice I love it) but when we got there, there was a league going on and it would be two hours before we could get a lane. So we went over and got ice cream instead. then we just sat outside and talked for three hours it was fun.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Blindish date

So I am gonig on a date ( or dinner I don t know if I should call it a date) tonight to Jhonny Carino's I am really excited I have been talking to this guy for a month so we will see how it goes. He seems really nice, his name is Doug and he has a daughtre named Courtney who loves the Disney channel ( I think we will get along great haha. SO wish me luck and I will post more about it later.


Saturday, September 13, 2008

So my sister told me that i need to post happier quotes on my quote page. and i was looking and don't have to many of those "happy" ones. so i was thinking and hoping that if you had any you might send them my way you can either email them (if you need my email let me know) or leave me a comment with it on there. I would greatly appreciate it.


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A night fior Mary

A couple weekend ago Jennie and I took our friend form work out for a night. Her husband is serving in Iraq and her and her daughter were having a hard time so we took her out to get her mind off of it for a little while, we went to the bar Keys on Main.
Jennie and Travis
Mary and I think it was her sister-in-law (sorry about the picture mary haha) they were a lot of fun and I hope they had a lot of fun too.

Jennie and me, NO I am not drunk, Jennis just a little. Word of advice don't give a smale person 3 Long Islands the night will not end well. But it is partly my fault becasue I bought her the last one OPPS!!!

Yes Josh really was not having fun, I felt really bad cause he was not having a good time.

A fun Saturday

A couple Saturdays ago I babysat my cousin EMily's kids for her. I never mind watching them because they are such good kids and always fun to be around. Here are a couple of pictures.
Gavin the little chunky boy, he is so cute and a very good baby he didn't even cry once while I was there.
Brooklyn coloring.

Cayden playing Wii he is very skilled at playing. I believe he was play Indiana Jones Lego game, he showed me all his charaters that he had and even made me a Wii character.

Making sure those nails are nice and dry

The toes, there is a flower on her big toes, she was sweet enough to hold still for all of it but not som uch to let it dry. But thats ok it was still so much fun

Pretty yellow and purple, there are decals on there but you can't see them.

Brookie not only showing off her newly painted nails but also a dance move.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Hey, It's Ok....

... To take all the credit

... to consider yourself the most sophisticated woman since Audrey Hepburn, but still sleep with stuffed animals

... to ignore any e-mails with the subject line beginning, "FWD:FWD:FWD."

... to use the zoom lens on your friend's camera to keep an eye on your ex-boyfriend at the wedding you're both attending

... to wonder whether Indiana Jones is a little to old to be traipsing around like that.

... to say "Oh, it's vintage" when someone complitments you on your Wet Seal sundress you've been wearing since high school.

... to get it with fries.

... to have never quite mastered the public- toilet hovering move.

... to skip the whole "I HOPE WE CAN STILL BE FRIENDS" charade. You have friends

Trip to Montana

Over the Labor Day weekend I went to Ennis Montana (yes it is as small of a town as the name sounds) I had a really good time. I got to learn to fly fish and went to Yellowstone.
Enough said

Tina and Mikayle, Partying at the little bar

This is where my dad took me to fly fish, it was my first time fly fishing. it was a lot of fun and I like it better then regular fishing, it is a little more entertaining. My dad told me that I did a really good job and caught on very fast YAY ME!!!!

Getting ready to fish, yep dang right I am double fisting it. catch more fish that way

My dad tying a fly on for me in hopes that with this one I will catch a fish. It did work I sorta caught waht but it got away cause I didn't really know I had one : (.

My dad and me after a day of fishing

On the evening of August 17th, 1959, the area just west of Yellowstone National Park experienced an earthquake measuring 7.5 on the Richter scale. At the time it was the strongest earthquake recorded in the United States. It killed twenty-eight people; many were buried beneath the 80 million tons of dolomite that crashed down upon a sleeping Forest Service campground, others drowned when the Madison River, displaced by the slide, engulfed their tents. These deaths, the exodus of nearly eighteen thousand tourists from Yellowstone, an evacuation of downstream residents, and the astounding (and photogenic) property damage are probably known to most readers. Reports of tremors came from as far away as Seattle, Washington, Dickinson, North Dakota, Banff, Alberta, and Provo, Utah.
And it is now a lake, the trees in the water are what is left of the original camp sites.


My lovely mom and me at Old Faithful, she was nice enough to take me all the way there.

It was very windy, this is just in front of the Geyser below, it was cool it ran off into the river it was really pretty the pictures just don't show it.

I wanted jump in it was so warm but my mom pointed at the hot pot was boiling so it might not be the best idea.

The sign says it all

I am not sure what town we were in but it was just outside of West Yellowstone. It was a really small town. but not as small as Ennis. All and all this was a pretty good day minus the fact that I didn't get a picture of the bear we saw. I was also cool cause in one day I was in 3 states Montana, Wyoming and Idaho all in a matter of a couple hours.

You can't really tell in this picture but the dam was leaking up the river and the river was getting really high. While my dad was fly fishing the ranger came and told them the had to get off the river case it was going to rise fast. If you look in the pictures or me fly fishing that little rocky patch was no longer there it was covered by water.

Ya the day we left it was snowing and it was sooooooooo COLD!!!!!


The water in the Madison River was hotter then the air outside so it was steaming