Monday, November 17, 2008


8 favorite shows:
One Tree Hill
Cold Case Files (the real ones)
America's Next Top Model
John and Kate plus 8
Brothers and Sisters
Desperate Housewives

8 favorite restaurants:
Red Robin (for sentimental reasons)
Texas Roadhouse
Olive Garden (but only for the salad)
(That is all iahve have)

8 things from yesterday:
went to a meeting
went to Bailee's birthday party
drove (A lot)
went to Marc's
watched TV
Felt sad
went to sleep

8 things I'm looking forward to:
Twilight the movie with Staci
Going back to school
going to dance tonight
maybe doing boot camp
starting a family
drinking my coke (Sorry Marc i will stop soon)

8 things on my wish list:
To lose weight - working on it
To make more money
Own my own home
Get married
Have a family
have a career I love
to be able to dance
to be happier

Sorta a questionaire

This a questionaire

I am...a female, my name is Amanda
I think... everything ALL THE TIME (i wish i wouldn't)
I know... a lot but not enough
I want... to be happy
I wish... find something I love to do and be good at it
I had... make a lot of coffee this morning
I hate... feeling lonely
I miss... the feeling of being careless
I fear... being alone and the wind
I feel... running around and just screaming at the top of my lungs
I hear... a door open
I smell... nothing my nose is stuffy AGAIN
I crave... COKE all the time
I search... for a good life
I wonder... what it would be like to be a size 2, be rich, and be famous
I regret... something i can't mention
I love... being with my family...seriously seriously
I care... what other people think of me even if i say i don't, about Colin
I always... worry too much about things
I am not... completly happy
I believe... one day i will be
I am... sick like always
I could... do anything if i only had the time and money
I dance... all the time even in my head
I sing... in my car and pretend like its amazing
I don't always... use my turning signal even though i get so angry when others don't
I write... well technically i draw everything and anything
I win... hardly ever
I lose... a lot more then i wish i did
I never... say never
I never listen to... people talking rude aobut other people
I can usually be work,
I am scared of... (We answered this already) but another one is failing
I need... to try to think more positive
I am happy about... the fact the I finally have some money
I tag... friends

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Yes I did wear rubber gloves if not I may have vommited all over. Yucky squishyhess NO THANKS
First you have to kill the the pumpkin by stabbing it with a large kitchen knife ;)

I like pumpkins YUMMY!!

This is what it looked like right before I carved it.

He could not figure out where the noise of the poking the holes was coming from.

Ya it was really cool but word of advice don't carve your pumpkins two weeks before Halloween and then it being 75 degrees outside. Pumpkins don't fare very well so we never got to put them out :(